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Cheese tortilla party

Making:  Cheese tortilla! 6 servings prepared. Here's what I have: 284 Grams of king Arthur masa harina 60 Grams cheese powder  30 Grams butter powder  419 grams hot water  Preparation: The dry ingredients were combined in the mixing bowl. With the stand mixer set to stir I slowly added the hot water until the dough ball formed. Once everything was well Incorporated the adult wall was divided into six portions. A damp paper towel was placed over the dough so it didn't try out as the tortillas were cooked.  Using a parchment lined tortilla press each dough ball was pressed just before cooking on the Comal. Each side was allowed to cook for 30-45 seconds before flipping. This allowed each side to dry out just enough. The second cook was done until the tortilla puffed up and Browning was beginning to form.  The plate! - Kris 
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The Good Cook: Fruits. But it's actually pancakes.

Messing with:  Almond tulip wafers from The good cook: Fruits. 6 tulip wafers but it's actually pancake batter.  Here's what I have: 672 G egg white  125 G powdered sugar  175 G Almond paste 55 G cake flour  60 G butter powder Preparation: ** Because I'm using almond paste with a bit of water add it to soften it up I'm substituting the clarified butter for butter powder. None of this is ok, except when it is.  Per the instructions in the book I started by whisking the egg whites in a stand mixer until frothy. Next in was the sugar, one spoonful at a time. Once all of the sugar was in the bowl I scraped down the sides and bottom and let it whisk for 30 seconds more. Next, I added the almonds repeating that same process adding a bit at a time and then scraping at the end before mixing for another 30 seconds. This was followed by the cake flour again adding one spoonful at a time. Scraping once all of the flour was added and mixing ...