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Mason Jar icecream!


Mason Jar icecream: vanilla almond flavor.

Original recipe here

Here's what I have:

1.5 cups Heavy whipping cream 
2 tbsp Sugar 
1 big pinch of Salt 
1 tsp Almond extract 
1 tsp Vanilla extract 

Shaker ball
Wide mouth 3 cup mason jar


I decided to make a bit more than the original recipe calls for someone using a bigger jar and half a cup more heavy cream.

The rest is pretty easy you just add everything and shake for about 5-6 minutes until the cream is thick and reaches the top of the jar. At this point I removed the Shaker ball from the jar, close the jar and freeze it.

The bowl!

3 hour freeze: 

Scooping out of the jar and the ice cream was still pretty soft. The original recipe calls for 3-hour freeze but that's for a smaller jar so I'm going to this back in the freezer and check it again after letting it go overnight.

I did decide to test it out for flavor at this point though and added some shaved unsweetened dark chocolate. The Almond flavor comes through a lot more than the vanilla but that works very well with the dark chocolate. It's also not too sweet which is nice but a little bit more sugar could be added to a batch this size.

Overnight freeze:

The ice cream was much better after an overnight freeze, though it did lose a bit of creaminess because of ice crystals forming. I think you might be able to mitigate that by using almond butter instead which I might be trying as soon as I can get my hands on some.

As it is, this tastes a lot like amaretto. Just like the 3-hour test yesterday I added some shaved chocolate and then topped it off with slivered almonds.

This is really nice simple dessert and for the size of jar used you could probably get three good-sized bowls out of it. This might last me three more days doing a small post dinner serving. 

- Kris


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