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Sweet Italian sausage with homemade sauce


Sweet Italian sausage with homemade tomato sauce and broccoli 

1 serving prepared 

Here's what I have:

4 cups Tomatoes 
1/4 cup Heavy cream 
3 cloves Garlic 
1.5 tbsp Butter 
1/2 cup Onion 
1 tbsp Spice Island Rosemary garlic 
1/4 tsp pink salt 

Meat and veggies: 
1.5 cup Broccoli 
1/4 cup Veggie broth 
5 oz Sweet Italian sausage 
1/4 cup Mozzarella


In a stainless steel pan I melted 1 tbsp butter, start the sauce by sauteing the onions. The onions were cooked until mostly clear and they had a nice brown color, the garlic was added after this. The onion and garlic for cook together for three minutes on high heat and then the tomatoes were added. 

With the heat turned to medium and the lid on the tomatoes were allowed to cook, 10 mins until easily broken apart. Last into the pot, heavy cream and spices. Everything was mixed well and a sausage allowed to cook until reduced/thickened a bit.  For a smoother sauce you could run this through a blender.

The sauce: 

In a cast iron pan the Italian sausage were cooked with the remaining butter on med-high heat for 6 minutes total. Flipping halfway through then adding broth and broccoli to the pan. 

With the lid on the heat was turned down between low and medium and everything was cooked for an additional 8 minutes. The lid was removed 3 minutes before the meat and veggies were finished to allow any remaining liquid to cook off. Mozzarella was added during plating.

The plate!

The sauce is the most involved part of this recipe but it doesn't take that long to make unless you decide to blend to smooth it out. The sauce also works very well for chicken.

- Kris 


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